Wednesday, September 2, 2009


today was ok.
i got to bed pretty early last night, so i rewarded my efforts with about 30 extra minutes of sleep. tomorrow i will only go 15 minutes, if any.

english was fun. we talked about stuff and our teacher declared our book absolutely boring.

dance. oh my goodness. while i love dance and dancing and the teacher, the room is crowded. i am usually in the back, so i have to restrict my movements to avoid crashing. do you know how hard that is? take a really difficult dance that makes you sweat a lot (yea. fun.) and then do the sissy version of it while trying to do the regular. it's hard.
and i sweat a lot with the dance we're learning so i have to wear skirts or risk major sweatage after class.

today at lunch i kinda just read stuff on my phone and one of the better looking guys in our grade (annie, you know who that is. the blonde one.) was all like, "is that an iphone?" and we made petty talk and he looked down at my screen and was all "MLIA!!!" and scooted very close to me (my foot was like on his butt) and we read MLIA for like ten minutes. we then talked about all our fave sites.

chem was ok. we had a test.

spanish. holy crapo. i extremely dislike this class. we have a quiz tomorrow. matt and i are seriously the only people who have never taken spanish before and it being spanish 1, you would think that it would be super simple and step by step. no. the teacher like breezes through EVERYTHING because everyone but me and matt already know it!!!

i "understand" it enough, but i can't speak it. it is basically memorization. and c'est tres stupide. or "el mucho stupido." yea, sure.

mom and i went to durham after school for a doctor's appointment and we got there early. so we went to these cute vintage shops. one was Dolly's and the other was Portobello Road. i love Dolly's. there is the best stuff in there that's actually kinda wearable. i got this cute pair of jodhpurs. i guess that's how you spell it. but they are cute and vintagey and kinda make me look like the chick in the middle:

but not as butch lesbo/possessed.

yeppp. then i went to youth group and we went around and visited elderly people, or as matt called them "oldies." we split up into predesignated groups and went to visit one old member of the church who like never comes named nellie phillips. she is really freaking cool. she's 96, is in perfect physical condition, has a great mind and memory, and drives herself places. she's a member of a bridge club and goes out to lunch with different people like three times a week. that part was great but my group... not so much.
it's me, this 6th grader who never talks and looks like something is about to leap out at her, this chick that i don't know very well, and this other gal that i want to slap. she is horribly rude and interrupts all the time. she has no social grace and she doesn't really pay attention. i saw nellie give her this look like, "come on. really?" and i thought that she would at least try to be polite in the presence of an elderly person. but no. she sat there fidgeting (and she's a big girl, so those limbs were every where) and slouching (she was almost literally lying down) and SMACKING HER GUM. with her mouth OPEN. and it was LOUD.

the conversation went like this:
mrs. phillips- "and my grandson lives in flor-..."
gal i want to slap- "where does he live in florida?"
mrs. phillips- "saraso-..."
gal- "i know some people who live in clear water, does he live there?"
mrs. phillips- *look of death* "no, he lives in sarasota. he fishes and likes sports. he's my only grandson by-..."
gal- "this is your son, right?"

ugh. and this gal completely monopolizes me at youth group, so it is literally impossible for me to talk to any of my other friends. instead, i am forced to hang out with this chick and her nasty friends. i am going to send an email to my youth director requesting that i be in a different group because "i want to forge new friendships which is impossible to do because i am currently so close to" this chick.


so i finished my homework around 9:45 and am going to go shower and straighten my hair.

happy: we have mass tomorrow which means that we won't be dancing the insane dance that makes me sweat a lot.

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