Friday, September 18, 2009

i see you shiver with antici...pation!

for all y'all RHPS fans, you will catch the reference
BUT ALL Y'ALL VIRGINS probably didn't.

well, it's 5:33 a.m. and i am restless.
my body is very tense and my pulse is fairly quick. i'm nervous but in a good way
and i don't know why.

i am anticipating something big, but all i have going on tomorrow is a vocab quiz and shopping with Matt.

i keep waking up and making mental lists and such like "spandex. bible. socks." and "hairspray. thong. bobby pins."

and then other times i'll wake up and i'll be going over my vocab code, which is:
a c2 e2 f h n o p r2 s4 u2 w z

and then i'll recite each word like so:
a - acquit
c2 - complex, consign
e2 - excruciating, effrontery
f - forbearance
h - hamper
n - nettlesome
o - oblivious
p - prodigious
r2 - residue, rejuvenate
s4 - sweltering, supersede, scrutinize, salutary
u2 - unwieldy, unruffled
w - withdraw
z - zany

of course, i always forget prodigious and withdraw.

i have to get up soon. since i'm not getting any sleep, i might as well do homework i forgot to do/planned to do during lunch.


i just read every page of

i cried and am planning on writing "you are beautiful" on the bathroom mirrors in dry erase markers tomorrow.